CBMR Innovation Summit on Cardiometabolic Health

The CBMR Innovation Team is organizing a two-day high-profile Innovation Summit with a focus on cardiometabolic health taking place on October 30–November 1, 2024, in central Copenhagen, Denmark. Please find the preliminary program below.

Program & registration

Aim & topics

The conference aims to bring together global leaders from academia, biotech, pharma and the healthcare sector to focus on next-generation prevention and treatment strategies for cardiometabolic disease. Topics that will be delved into further in the form of keynote lectures, talks and constructive panel debates include:

  1. Cardiometabolic Innovation: Bridging Gaps, Seizing Opportunities
  2. Innovative Ventures in Cardiometabolic Disease Therapeutics: Scaling Success in Drug Development Enterprises
  3. Entrepreneurial Journeys: Navigating the Path from Academic Discovery to Clinical Application
  4. Overcoming Obstacles and Knowledge Gaps

Organizing Committee:

CBMR Innovation Team:

Christoffer Clemmensen – Innovation Lead, Group Leader
Kei Sakamoto – Vice Executive Director, Group Leader
Zach Gerhart-Hines – Group Leader
Thue W. Schwartz – Group Leader
Thomas Frimurer – Head of Computational Chemistry Unit
Imke Tiessen – Innovation Coordinator