10 October 2019

250 participate in Danish Single-cell Symposium and workshop


Tune H. Pers: "The single-cell field is maturing but the studies really continue to unite and excite people across career stages, disciplines and biologies."

More than 198 people participated in the Danish Single Cell Symposium 2019 on October 3, with another 68 participating in the workshop on wet-lab methods in single-cell omics the following day. Both were co-organized by CBMR Group Leader Tune H. Pers and Associate Professor Konstantin Khodosevich from the Biotech Research & Innovation Centre (BRIC).

The attendees for the Danish Single-cell Symposium

Speaking after the event, Tune Pers says: "The symposium was great, we have moved from having an overweight of methods talks at last year’s symposium to very deep investigations of stunning novel biological mechanisms!  The single-cell field is maturing but the studies really continue to unite and excite people across career stages, disciplines and biologies. Many of the master and PhD students joining our seminar will be the local single-cell experts in their respective labs and build careers based on what they learn and experience through your meetings. This is an incredibly rewarding feeling."
