28 October 2021

CBMR publications and media appearances in October 2021

Media & Publications

Every month we release a full list of publications from the Center, as well as media appearances by the Center scientists

CBMR and KU logo.

Media appearances

Professor Juleen R. Zierath

Genetic Engineering News, 21/10/2021
‘Researchers Unravel the Link between Circadian Rhythm and Type 2 Diabetes’

Forskning.se, 25/10/2021
‘Typ 2-diabetes behandlas bättre vid rätt klockslag’


Professor Oluf Borbye Pedersen

Magasinet Sundhed, 1/10/2021
’Maven styrer psyken’
’Smoothie til tarmene’

Jyllands-Posten, 8/10/2021
’Får du luft i maven af brød? Forskere er på sporet af nye maveskurke. Og de er bekymrede’

Information, 9/10/2021
’Du er smurt ind i bakterier fra top til tå – og det skal du virkelig være glad for’

Jyllands-Posten, 14/10/2021
’Stol på din mavefornemmelse, siger lægerne. Men kan man stole på en mave i oprør?’

Information, 16/10/2021
’Opdagelsen af bakterier førte til lægevidenskabens mest livreddende succes’


Professor Ruth Loos

Dagens Medicin, 15/10/2021
’Danmark besætter to ledige bestyrelsespladser hos EASD’


Associate Professor Camilla Schéele

Politiken, 11/10/2021
’Ny dansk forskning er godt nyt for vinterbaderes sundhed’

The Daily Mail, 11/10/2021
‘Want to lose weight this winter? Going wild swimming in cold seas, lakes and rivers could help, study finds’

Videnskab.dk, 12/10/2021
’Dansk eksperiment afslører, at vinterbaderes kroppe reagerer helt særligt på kulde’

The Times, 12/10/2021, in print page 10
’Come on in, the water’s freezing – but it will help you lose weight’

Jyllands-Posten, 13/10/2021
’Dansk studie: Vinterbaderes kroppe reagerer særligt på kulde’

Der Nordschleswiger, 14/10/2021
’Studie: Winterbaden kann schlank und gesund machen’

B.T., 14/10/2021
’Ny forskning: Vinterbadning kan være godt for dit helbred’

The Naked Scientists, In Short podcast, 21/10/2021
'Potential health benefits of winter swimming'


Associate Professor Christoffer Clemmensen

Videnskab.dk, 24/10/2021
’Slip hjernens superkræfter løs: Glem din vægt og fokuser på sundhed, lyder forskers råd’


Medical Museion

Danske Bioanalytikere, 29/9/2021
’Hvad gør verden ved os?’

Ingeniøren, 1/10/2021
’Udstilling en kunstnerisk og videnskabelig undersøgelse: Verden er også indeni’

Science Report, 3/10/2021
’Ny udstilling skaber rum for samtale mellem kunst og videnskab’

Børsen, 8/10/2021
’Når kloden sætter sig i vores gener’

Teknologiens Mediehus, 10/10/2021
’Udstilling undersøger kunst og videnskab’

Kunsten, 12/10/2021
’Verden er i os – og vi er i verden’



Arumugam Group

Li X et al. Metagenomic evidence for co-occurrence of antibiotic, biocide and metal resistance genes in pigs. Environ Int. 2021 Sep 28;158:106899. doi:10.1016/j.envint.2021.106899. Epub ahead of print. 

Arumugam & Hansen Groups

Van Espen L, et al. A Previously Undescribed Highly Prevalent Phage Identified in a Danish Enteric Virome Catalog. mSystems. 2021 Oct 19:e0038221. doi: 10.1128/mSystems.00382-21. Epub ahead of print.

Bäckhed Group

Haghikia A et al. Propionate attenuates atherosclerosis by immune-dependent regulation of intestinal cholesterol metabolism. Eur Heart J. 2021 Oct 1:ehab644. doi: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehab644. Epub ahead of print.

Barrès, Treebak & Zierath Groups

Gabriel BM, et al. Disrupted circadian oscillations in type 2 diabetes are linked to altered rhythmic mitochondrial metabolism in skeletal muscle. Sci Adv. 2021 Oct 22;7(43):eabi9654. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abi9654. Epub 2021 Oct 20.

Barrès and Zierath Groups

Massart J, et al. Endurance exercise training-responsive miR-19b-3p improves skeletal muscle glucose metabolism. Nat Commun. 2021 Oct 12;12(1):5948. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-26095-0.

Grarup, Hansen, & Pedersen Groups

Borisevich D, et al. Non-linear interaction between physical activity and polygenic risk score of body mass index in Danish and Russian populations. PLoS One. 2021 Oct 18;16(10):e0258748. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0258748.

Hansen Group

Bel Lassen P et al. Protein Intake, Metabolic Status and the Gut Microbiota in Different Ethnicities: Results from Two Independent Cohorts. Nutrients. 2021 Sep 10;13(9):3159. doi: 10.3390/nu13093159.

Kronborg TM, et al. Novel Anti-inflammatory Treatments in Cirrhosis. A Literature-Based Study. Front Med (Lausanne). 2021 Sep 23;8:718896. doi: 10.3389/fmed.2021.718896.

Juul Holst Group

Crabtree DR, et al. Salivary ghrelin response to drinks varying in protein content and quantity and association with energy intake and appetite. Physiol Behav. 2021 Oct 12:113622. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2021.113622. Epub ahead of print.

Johansen NJ, et al. Effects of short-acting exenatide added three times daily to insulin therapy on bone metabolism in type 1 diabetes. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2021 Oct 6. doi: 10.1111/dom.14568. Epub ahead of print.

Kilpeläinen Group

Leppänen MH, et al. Longitudinal and cross-sectional associations of adherence to 24-hour movement guidelines with cardiometabolic risk. Scand J Med Sci Sports. 2021 Oct 13. doi: 10.1111/sms.14081. Epub ahead of print.

Program 4

Hussey KD. ‘The Waste of Daylight': Rhythmicity, Workers' Health and Britain's Edwardian Daylight Saving Time Bills. Social History of Medicine. 2021 Sep 27.

Hussey KD. "Visceral Consciousness": The Gut-Brain Axis in Sleep and Sleeplessness in Britain and America, 1850–1914. Bulletin of the History of Medicine. 2021 Jul 21.

Schéele Group

Schéele C, Wolfrum C. Functional diversity of human adipose tissue revealed by spatial mapping. Nat Rev Endocrinol. 2021 Oct 19. doi: 10.1038/s41574-021-00582-2. Epub ahead of print.

Schwartz Group

Vana V, et al. Vagal afferent CCK receptor activation is required for GLP-1- induced satiation. Diabetes Obes Metab. 2021 Oct 17. doi: 10.1111/dom.14575. Epub ahead of print.
