At Undervise i Udeskole: Perspektiver på didaktik og lærerens arbejde

Research output: Book/ReportPh.D. thesis

  • Karen Seierøe Barfod
This PhD thesis is based on research conducted at the Department of Nutrition, Exercise and Sports (NEXS), at the University of Copenhagen from 2013 to 2018. The focus of the thesis is teaching outside the classroom on a regular basis; a practice known as udeskole in Denmark. As udeskole is prevalent in Danish schools, it is relevant to study teachers' didactical and educational approaches. The title ‘To teach in udeskole. Perspectives on didactics and the teacher’s work’, is operationalised into three research questions:

1: What is the theoretical didactical background for udeskole, and how do teachers teach in udeskole?
2: What are the experiences teachers have of continuing the udeskole practice?
3: What are udeskole teachers’ notions about good practice in udeskole?

The thesis consists of a descriptive article concerning the didactical-pedagogical
theoretical background for udeskole, three empirical analyses and this cover. In the thesis, interviews with and observations of experienced udeskole teachers constitute the background for an analysis of what the particularity of udeskole is. The hub of the thesis is the teaching, and the teachers.

The analysis of ten interviews with experienced teachers identifies udeskole as a
practice that balances both formational and knowledge-based educational goals. The thematic interview analysis is founded in a Self Determination Theory. The analysis revealed how the teachers’ choice to teach outdoors helped them maintain their sense of professional selfdetermination and competence, but also that they could feel isolated at their workplace. Observation of udeskole teaching demonstrated how udeskole supports an inquiry-based approach to the subjects of mathematics and nature/technology.

The analysis presents udeskole as an educational approach which is in accordance with a holistic view on education and educational experience. The final article in the thesis concerns how this particularity may be expressed and unfolded, balancing different domains in education.
Translated title of the contributionTo Teach in Udeskole: Perspectives on Didactics and the Teacher’s Work
Original languageDanish
Place of PublicationKøbenhavn
PublisherInstitut for Idræt og Ernæring, Det Natur- og Biovidenskabelige Fakultet, Københavns Universitet
Number of pages134
Publication statusPublished - 2018

    Research areas

  • Faculty of Science - Inquiry-based teaching, Udeskole, Udeskole didactics, Teaching outdoors, Teacher reflections, Thematic interview analysis

ID: 209111362