Urban Frontiers and Rural Transformation: Formation of Emerging Urban Centres and Ambiguous Governance in Tanzania

Research output: Contribution to conferenceConference abstract for conferenceResearch

In Tanzania, urban frontier development is characterized by the emergence of urban centers spatially located in what is usually perceived as rural areas. The Tanzanian government has responded with the creation of a new category of ‘small towns’, which includes almost one hundred such centres, but there is no specific policy for them. In this paper we explore how social and spatial transformations in dynamic rural regions are driving this transformation from rural to urban places and discusses how this rapid process is necessitating new and transferable structures of governance. The analysis is based on field data collected in four emerging urban centres (EUCs) in Tanzania (2011-14) all characterized by particular drop related agricultural economic dynamics that stimulates early transformation, but decrease in importance as urbanization takes over. In the paper we investigate this transition and detect how the EUCs become important places of attraction, not only to people in the immediate rural hinterland, but also from distant regions of Tanzania. Also, we explore the governance challenges that local administrators, community groups, business owners are envisaging and discuss the importance of stimulating and supporting EUC development, not only in their own right but also as an important policy action to stimulate poverty reduction.
Original languageEnglish
Publication dateJun 2015
Number of pages13
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2015
EventProperty and Citizenship in Developing Societies : 3rd International Conference, Urban Property, Governance and Citizenship in the Global South. - University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Duration: 23 Jun 201526 Jun 2015


ConferenceProperty and Citizenship in Developing Societies
LocationUniversity of Copenhagen

    Research areas

  • Faculty of Science - Urban Frontiers, Rural transformation, Governance, Tanzania

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ID: 338060355