
The Center is fully integrated with the Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences at the University of Copenhagen. The Rector of the University and the CBMR Executive Director are the holders of the Center grant and bear the overall scientific and economic responsibility for the Center.

A photo of the CBMR executive leadership

Executive Leadership

The Executive Leadership comprises Executive Director Professor Juleen R. Zierath, Vice Executive Director Professor Kei Sakamoto, Vice Executive Director Professor Ruth Loos, and the Head of Administration and Research Support Helle Hald.

Together they are responsible for unfolding the Center's strategy and setting the its research and scientific priorities, with guidance and support from the Science & Innovation Advisory Board.

Center Leadership Team

To assist in their decision-making, the Executive Leadership is joined by the four Research Program Coordinators, and two Group Leader representatives in the Center Leadership Team.

The Center Leadership Team tracks and promotes scientific and operational performance to chart the Center's overall research strategy, including the follow-up of the Center's cohesive scientific research plan. The Center Leadership Team is responsible for fostering a creative, interdisciplinary and collaborative culture with an international outlook to ensure that Center staff are committed to developing challenging projects that could not be conducted within a single research laboratory.

Portrait of Juleen ZierathExecutive Director
Professor Juleen R. Zierath

Portrait of Tune PersProgram Coordinator
Associate Professor Tune H Pers

Portrait of Ken ArnoldProgram Coordinator
Professor Ken Arnold

Portrait of Kei SakamotoVice Executive Director
Professor Kei Sakamoto

Portrait of Ruth LoosVice Executive Director
Professor Ruth Loos

Portrait of Helle HaldHead of Administration and Research Support
Helle Hald