Special Housing
RMPP offers a number of special housings for our users.
Climate cabinets can be used to house mice between 4°C and 30°C. We have 5 climate cabinets available.
- To book or hear about availability, please fill out the Climate Cabinet Form and return to CBMR-RMPP-technicians@sund.ku.dk.
For housing in altered dark/light cycles, we offer housing in light-adjustable Scantainers. We have four scantainers available with this option.
- For bookings please fill out our Scantainer Booking Form and send it to CBMR-RMPP-technicians@sund.ku.dk.
We have an 88-cage digitally ventilated, monitored home-cage system. This system can measure activity, moisture and be equipped with running wheels to measure running activity.
- To inquire about availability, send an email to CBMR-RMPP-Projects@sund.ku.dk or fill out our service request form.