DHL run... and we are recruiting new lab members to help us win at some point! (Summer 2018)Camila and Asker having a drink on a rare day of sun in Copenhagen (Summer 2018)Before Covid... social event! Casino night (Tour of the Office 2019)The lab in Miami. Cool! (January 2020)Best poster award for Carmen (January 2020)The lab having a traditional Syrian food evening (October 2020)Meetings in 2020... we have all been there! (Somewhere in 2020)Camila PhD defense team. Go Camila Go! (December 2020)Camila winning chocolates for the lab (October 2021)Christmas party... if someone says "microbiome", drink! (December 2021)Sometimes plots in a paper are easier to understand than a restaurant menu! (January 2022)Celebrating the Chinese New Year together! The year of the tiger! (January 2022)